Garden Designs
One interesting thing about the pandemic - I had a lot more photos being sent to me. It turns out that running a garden program remotely via email &
One interesting thing about the pandemic - I had a lot more photos being sent to me. It turns out that running a garden program remotely via email &
Growing anything is incredibly rewarding. Growing something that made Shaquille O'Neal puke on live TV ... that sounds extra rewarding, let's grow some of that!! A growing trend in
Ok, I'm back again with more from our Facebook group. It's something I'm really proud of. These photos are great and the comments are great but the time frame
We're in our second year here as Grow Morristown. The decision has been made to cap the program at two years participation. With a two year cycle we can
One thing that's really grown this year is our private Facebook community. It can only grow so big in numbers because it is restricted to our own gardeners. However,
I am a second year, very grateful, Grow Morristown participant. After a very successful summer garden, we had the opportunity to plant Cabbage, Broccoli, Onions and Garlic during the
One really neat thing about being in our second year with the garden grant, is that we have examples from last year to draw on. As it turns out,
As I sit here writing my 1st blog of 2021, I can't help but think about what it was like to write our first blog of 2020! What was
Things are coming to an end and as I take time to reflect, one thing I’ve noticed… just like plants want to grow, a community wants to grow. This
Jessica and family are a first time garden family. Here are her words about our backyard gardening program here in Morristown, TN. This garden experience has been amazing. I'm Jessica,