I am a second year, very grateful, Grow Morristown participant. After a very successful summer garden, we had the opportunity to plant Cabbage, Broccoli, Onions and Garlic during the Fall and Winter seasons. I was extremely hesitant to plant anything during this time of year because I thought it would be impossible to keep plants healthy during the cold months. I only planted a few cabbage and broccoli plants. I was pleasantly surprised that every plant produced beautifully. Home grown broccoli is unbelievably delicious. Because of my small successes, I did regret not taking full advantage of my garden space. I will not make that mistake again. A full Fall garden is planned for this year!
I encourage you all to start thinking about what you’d like to plant after your Summer harvest is complete. Grab your hat, a jacket and some frost cloth and enjoy garden goodness all year long. I’ve learned that some of the bonuses to Fall/Winter gardening include less pests, diseases, weeds and of course less Tennessee heat! Having a garden keeps me active and healthy. I’m looking forward to staying busy all year!
Cheryl P.
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