One interesting thing about the pandemic – I had a lot more photos being sent to me. It turns out that running a garden program remotely via email & Facebook creates a digital archive in real-time. That’s a pretty nice thing to have when it’s time for blogging or bragging. The mile-high stack of photos we had for ’20 & ’21 was not expected. It was a pleasant surprise and also proved to be an amazing teaching tool. With each year, it has become easier to teach garden planning with first time gardeners using our very own examples. With in-person workshops I’m sitting and looking at ‘homework’ with each program member and many things have escaped the archive. In person is better in a host of ways, but archiving our year will require a much more proactive approach in 2022.
The gallery below shows a few I did capture. Fellow site coordinators, please feel free to use these if you need education content.
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