Ok, I’m back again with more from our Facebook group. It’s something I’m really proud of. These photos are great and the comments are great but the time frame is worth noting as well … these snapshots are anywhere from minutes to only a couple of weeks old. Its a fast group – we are very engaged! We have a lot of fun and share our backyard gardening experience almost real time. The group itself has become a program tool that keeps building. It’s a lot of work though. It’s a little like hosting a party and always having to be ‘on’ and you have to engage a lot yourself. You have to engage the most actually to get the momentum building. In hindsight, I’m not sure I would have put this much effort into it or felt the importance of it were it not for Covid arriving in our first program year, 2020. Maybe that’s a happy accident. Anyway, it seems that now that the party has started, it really is taking on a life of it own. In my own social media feed, it’s literally become the best most wholesome thing on the internet and something I look forward to every day.
And please allow me to show off some personal 2021 garden goodies. I’m a gardener too and can’t let my garden families have all the fun!
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