Local greens to the local market ~ Marlyn at High Rocks
Tucked away in the beautiful hills of WV and down a windy road native of Hillsboro, WV , first year market gardener and second year Grow Appalachia participant,
Tucked away in the beautiful hills of WV and down a windy road native of Hillsboro, WV , first year market gardener and second year Grow Appalachia participant,
Such a week we had! I'm slow reporting it as I had to get the pictures. At our monday night meeting we all worked in the gardens. We concentrated on
Aaron and I have been busy up at the green house helping gardeners pick out plants and handing out tools. The gardeners have been waiting for the ground to dry
By Haley McCoy Five generations of hands will be offering some TLC to our new family garden. Situated on a portion of land currently inhabited by three of those generations,
On April 29, through the generosity of Grow Appalachia, Red Bird Mission had 11 participants attend the Home Based Micro Processing Workshop. 7 of those who attended
Gardening seems full of lessons to be learned mostly by personal experiences not necessarily by study or research (though all of that can help too). With this in mind, our
An interesting concept for a community garden comes from our local Grow Appalachia participant Jackson County UK Extension service. They are using recycled pallets to make inexpensive raised beds. The
Team members Amy Dunzweiler and Robert Yarbrough have recently joined our site as project assistants and have brought a real shot-in-the-arm to our project. Amy and her family are transplants
With the rain and cold weather that we have seen over the past several months it seems that everyone in our area has gotten a pretty late start in their
Heather again. Here are some photos from our adventures so far: We worked with Jarrod, a landscaper and friend of ASD, on re-fencing Donna's garden. Jarrod helps with fence