Heather again.
Here are some photos from our adventures so far:
We worked with Jarrod, a landscaper and friend of ASD, on re-fencing Donna’s garden.
Donna, taking care of her neighbor’s child and working on her fence. Look at that great garlic she planted last year!
We placed rocks in the ducks drinking water to prevent them from pooping in their water, and also placed bricks and stones in their little pool so they can climb in and out.
The family pictured, Cory, Nathaniel, and toddler LeRoy and baby Ember, live on an old family Christmas Tree farm that they are hoping to make a living on homesteading the land and selling crops and other products.
They hope to eventually have enough ducks that they can sell duck eggs. They plan on raising eggs for more ducklings next year, from the ducks they have now.
That’s all for now!
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