Spring Growth by Sue@Lmu
The pic above and below are today in the greenhouse. The last pic is last saturday. It's totally amazing what growth happens in a week. Instead of having a formal
The pic above and below are today in the greenhouse. The last pic is last saturday. It's totally amazing what growth happens in a week. Instead of having a formal
Caught Mr. Bill today straightning. our makeshift fence to keep people from falling down our steep hill to the greenhouse. Parsnips I planted last spring. I thought I'd
Eliot here from the Appalachian South Folklife Center "GASP" in Pipestem, WV. Last week felt like spring! We had our first informational meeting and met a handful of new interested
At last the snow is gone and we have begun the year of gardening. Sunday we had a working workshop to prune our blackberries and raspberries. We also dug up
Greetings Grow Appalachians! Holly the HQ VISTA here on this first day of spring! Yay! Yesterday I spent most of the day going through an enormous seed donation (THANK YOU
Hi everyone! I hope everyone has been having this warmer weather, compared to the cold, snow, and ice most everyone had just a few weeks ago. Debbie, Appalachia Cares/AmeriCorps, here
Howdy and warm greetings from Yvonne Scott, AmericorpsVISTA serving in "naturally gorgeous" Wolfe County, Kentucky! Can you hear that? It's the sound of melting snow dripping off the new greenhouse
Greetings, from Scott County! Rhonda West, here, reporting on our 2015 kick off of the Grow Appalachia program. I have had the wonderful job of making the first calls to
Brian here - With the Spring Equinox on the horizon, Grow Your Own will be commencing its first set of 2015 workshops starting March 17th at 5PM! It may be
This is a fall picture. But the hoops still stand covering spinach and carrots that were planted in October. This year we are getting a much better start