At last the snow is gone and we have begun the year of gardening. Sunday we had a working workshop to prune our blackberries and raspberries. We also dug up all the runner starts so members who have home gardens could take them home to plant. Dr. Jarstfer is our esteemed blackberry/raspberry leader. It’s probably obvious that the 1st 3 pic’s are the gang working in the berries.
This is a picture of a cauliflower from the greenhouse. It’s odd but tasty.
Monday before our meeting we weeded the rhubarb bed and mulched it with fall leaves. We also weeded the kale, turnips, and spinach beds. We had Stacy White from the KU Bell co. extension office talk to us about planning a garden at our monday nite meeting.
It’s interesting seeing what bits of our fall/winter garden made it thru the horrid winter. I uncovered the strawberry beds from their hay cover and it looks like they’ve all made it. I’m amazed to see that I have cilantro that made it thru the winter.
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