The pic above and below are today in the greenhouse. The last pic is last saturday. It’s totally amazing what growth happens in a week. Instead of having a formal meeting monday we transplanted in the greenhouse and washed cells and trays in the building. It was raining cats and dogs but we accomplished a lot.
The picture below is of 14 little packets of mostly heirloom beans I’m sending home with my sister to use in the organic garden she works in in Eaton Rapids, MI. I should add these are all seeds we’ve saved from last year.
My sister and I just walked through the garden reveling at the things popping up in members beds. Peas, lettuce, beets etc. We ended at last falls spinach bed and picked and ate some, then on to the asparagus bed where we found the 1st 3 tender spikes. We ate one each and brought the last one home for mom. They are visiting this week and what a week for seeing the earth come alive after winter.
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