Summer Update: Programs for Diabetic Youth, Food Insecure, More
By Jason Von Kundra from Sprouting Hope in Marion, VA Distributing hundreds of pounds of produce to people receiving food assistance, hosting a day camp for children with type one
By Jason Von Kundra from Sprouting Hope in Marion, VA Distributing hundreds of pounds of produce to people receiving food assistance, hosting a day camp for children with type one
Sister Ann Marie Quinn here from St. Vincent Mission in David, KY. Check out the article in our local newspaper, The Floyd County Times. The Community Garden at Big Sandy
Sister KC here in Floyd County KY where the Big Sandy Community and Technical College community garden team have been very busy. Today is food pantry day at the Loaves
Hello everyone. I am Alex Sanders, Grow Appalachia Site Supervisor at Project Worth Outreach in beautiful Menifee County located in northeastern Kentucky. I hope everyone is having a great summer
Gardening season has arrived, and Grow Your Own is in full effect! In today's class, we taught participants how to plant, trellis, and care for tomatoes and peppers; we also
I apologize for the late entry- but the maintenance folks were waxing my floors so I didn't have access to my electronics. Last week we had our monthly food giveaway.
I am glad the blogging issues were resolved :) It seems like I was the forerunner of all the issues- I mean, it seemed like I was the first one
I promise I will go back to the chicken coop and finish my series, but I feel like I must talk about this. We had our first food pantry give