Gardening season has arrived, and Grow Your Own is in full effect! In today’s class, we taught participants how to plant, trellis, and care for tomatoes and peppers; we also gave out two different fungicides for our home gardeners to alternate between. Most of our gardeners are now on the same page, and have everything given out planted in their backyard! It’s a great feeling to learn with our participants and see them grow as true organic gardeners — we’ve all learned so much in such a small amount of time thanks to Deni’s vast knowledge!
Since my last post, I have planted 50 broccoli transplants, 100 lettuce transplants (3 varieties), 3 rows of beets, 6 rows of carrots, and 30 tomato plants at the Ecumenical Faith in Action food pantry garden.
We finally purchased a weed eater, which has helped immensely with landscaping, and keeping the place looking tidy!
We have now completely filled all potential slots for participants in GYO, but if you’re in the area and interested in learning more about organic gardening care, please stop by Ecumenical Faith in Action (Mondays at 5PM, Thursdays at 10AM)! The information is 100% free20!
A big thanks to one of our participants, Ralph (guy on right, with fishermans hat) — he has been a big help in workshops, helping us get supplies, loading cars, and putting tools together. Your dedication and love of the program has helped us prosper and reach out to more individuals in need!
Oh! I almost forgot — since we are having all these new plants in the ground, gardening maintenance is on the rise! If you have any interest in volunteering for hours, Bonner, or just want to help your community, please contact me at We need all the help we can get. Remember, all of this produce is donated to the food pantry!
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