I am glad the blogging issues were resolved 🙂 It seems like I was the forerunner of all the issues- I mean, it seemed like I was the first one getting all of the new errors 🙂
But all is well and we are back!
As I mentioned last time rain had laid a hurt on a lot of our gardens. I was able to get most of the water out of the food pantry garden, but a couple of our community people were pretty well hurt- especially tomatoes. I had not seen any blight until the rains, and now mine are covered. But, with David;s advice I am going to spray copper on them and hopefully save our crops.
Other than that bit of Debbie Downer, we have gotten a lot of good press!!! The first link is to the main page of the Hazard Herald Facebook. As of RIGHT NOW (could change by the time you click on it) the rows of my garden are the cover page for the Herald 🙂
The Herald also ran a story on 2 of our community partners, who are both donating the food to the needy. Its a really good read!!!
We are hoping to have a follow up story on the whole Lotts Creek Program here soon.
We are also excited about our second site visit later this month. David is coming down for a food pantry give away on the 25th and we are hoping to have lettuce, cabbage, beans, cucumbers, and peppers all ready to give away! Don’t hold em to all of that though.
The last bit of exciting news is that I am going on vacation, and as such going to post 2 blogs back to back here. I hope you all survive without my witty banter until I return!
Seriously though, other than the rain we are seeing a lot of success as you can see from the news story, and a lot of hungry folks are being fed nutritious food here in Hazard from this program.
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