How to Grow Potatoes in Straw
Hello! This is David Cornette with Hindman Settlement School Grow Appalachia. A lot of the folks we've talked to this year have shared their unique techniques for growing certain produce
Hello! This is David Cornette with Hindman Settlement School Grow Appalachia. A lot of the folks we've talked to this year have shared their unique techniques for growing certain produce
Greetings Grow Appalachians! Holly, VISTA at Grow App HQ, and although it is very wet here in Berea, at least it isn’t cold. There are so many beautiful flowers in
Thanks to my twin sister Kelly for coming up with the title! Greetings Grow Appalachians! Holly the HQ VISTA checking in. I don’t know about you, but I don’t ever
Greetings, Grow Appalachians! It’s your friendly HQ VISTA Holly checking in. I think I’m still not quite recovered from our gathering this past week. What an AMAZING day and a
In recent weeks I have noticed that the soil in one of our fields has become increasingly stiff, making it near impossible to plant. Our newly planted spinach seedlings have
Hello everyone this is BethAnn from Vets to Ag. Sorry for the absence, it has been truly intense around here and I feel as if I just stepped off the
Soil provides ecosystem services critical for life: soil acts as a water filter and a growing medium; provides habitat for billions of organisms, contributing to biodiversity; and supplies most of
Brian here -- had a sublime past three days here in Abingdon; on Monday and Tuesday, I fertilized and added compost to our first field, and planted 3 beds of
Stinking Creek News Irma Gall Lend-A-Hand Center Originally Published in the Barbourville Mountain Advocate Grow Appalachia is a program of back to the basics of food production. The term basic
I cannot help but speak the praises of all I learn from participants and from research inspired by participants' gardens needs. The past few weeks have been full of site