Spring Arrival in O.C.- February/March 2023 edition
Photo courtesy of: www.landandfarm.com By: Tanya Begley After mother nature’s long and much needed slumber, we are finally starting to see the tale-tell signs of her spring arrival.
Photo courtesy of: www.landandfarm.com By: Tanya Begley After mother nature’s long and much needed slumber, we are finally starting to see the tale-tell signs of her spring arrival.
Early morning-entering Booneville, KY in Owsley County. By: Tanya Begley With a wisp of cool wind, fall is in its full splendor. The gardens and farms have been
Early morning-entering Booneville, KY in Owsley County. By: Tanya Begley And once again, fall has creeped upon us. The change as the cool air moves in. The cleared
Early morning-entering Booneville, KY in Owsley County. By: Tanya Begley OH yes, we love summertime! When all of us can savor new fruits and berries, fresh tomatoes, corn,
Early morning-entering Booneville, KY in Owsley County. By: Tanya Begley Welcome to summer! What seemed to drag its feet in those cold winter months is here and it
Early morning-entering Booneville, KY in Owsley County. By: Tanya Begley Now that we are wrapping up a very busy month of May with our many springtime celebrations, events,
By: Tanya Begley In the blink of an eye fall is in full effect, the crops have been harvested and we are feeling those first frosty mornings. What a crisp,
By: Tanya Begley And just like that, fall has arrived. We feel the change in the air. The emptying fields starting to become more noticeable. We witness September come to
By: Tanya Begley Photo courtesy of prospect.org What is that we see slowly peeking out from the shadows? YES!! It is SPRING! Mother nature has awoken from
By: Tanya Begley And just like that, the final crops are in. More layers of clothing begin to be worn, fireplaces are cleaned and prepared for work. Fall is not