Early morning-entering Booneville, KY in Owsley County.
By: Tanya Begley
And once again, fall has creeped upon us. The change as the cool air moves in. The cleared fields starting to remind of winter soon on its way. We revel in our work as we watch September come to its masterful, beautiful end, and begin to say goodbye to our plentiful, and praised gardens, crops, and yields. Most of the canning is wrapping up. All to be done now is freezing, storing, sharing, and finishing it all up. The smell of spices, pumpkin, and apple flavored treats and goodies fill our homes as we begin to calm just a little from the long days of tilling, picking, and processing.
In this September 2022 edition of our blog, we continue to happily share with you tips and tricks for things you and yours can do right at your own homes/farms and gardens. This is our second to last blog for the 2022 season, and we have been so blessed for our readers and patrons who have enjoyed our work. See you in October!
Happy fall y’all
Mrs. B ♥
Gardening tips & tricks
By: Alan Taylor
Gardening activities are rapidly ending for the year. It is time to put mulch on the strawberry plants, harvest pumpkins and cushaws, dry remaining green beans for shuck beans, harvest turnips and mustard greens, and seed cover crops. It has been my pleasure to have shared gardening tips with you, the audience, during the past growing season. I look forward to sharing with you during the next growing season. Stay safe, everyone, and have a happy and blessed holiday season.
Respectfully, Alan Taylor
Click the link below for some additional gardening tips for October. This is a great website full of useful information!
Spotlight by: Tanya Begley
I wanted to take a moment again and put our annual spotlight on the Owsley County Farmer’s Market. The Farmer’s Market in Owsley Co. is managed by our very own Rhonda Becknell. What an amazing year of growth this season has shown. As they celebrated their final week for 2022 this week. Let’s take a moment to admire the beautiful colors, the bounty and proud smiles on the growers faces and the feeling for all you fellow growers of a job well done and completed. I hope you enjoyed this season as much as I have!
*Photo’s courtesy of Owsley County Farmer’s Market -Facebook Page
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