Hello Autumn
Peace from Cincinnati, Ohio! Autumn is in full swing in the inner city community garden, Over-the-Rhine People’s Garden. What makes it feel so much like fall, at least for me,
Peace from Cincinnati, Ohio! Autumn is in full swing in the inner city community garden, Over-the-Rhine People’s Garden. What makes it feel so much like fall, at least for me,
Peace from Cincinnati, March is full of gardening madness! Madness meaning, turning the soil, spreading seeds, hardening-off plants, and getting vegetable and flower plugs into the ground. Mother Nature provided
Hello friends! Most of February in Cincinnati's Over-the-Rhine People's Garden has been bitterly cold. But on a few rare occasions, Mother Nature provided balmy days that gardeners took full
Happy summer Grow Appalachia friends! This summer has been filled with so many highlights I don’t know where to even begin! So I will just start. First up, victories from
Sunflowers and Gratitude! This has been the year for sunflowers! They're growing over 14 feet tall and hardy! We handed out seeds at the beginning of the season and people
Hello garden friends and Grow Appalachia followers! Summer is here! Over-the-Rhine People’s Garden is in full bloom. Gardeners are busy harvesting and enjoying lots of healthy fruits and vegetables like
Happy Earth Day! April 22, 2018 Hello friends! Since the March blog it feels like we've finally warmed up and the cold, cold Ohio nights are a thing of the
Hello garden friends and Grow Appalachia followers! It's March 2018, and since our last post we’ve celebrated the holidays and now winters end, well sorta. We got a few inches
Scott Christian Care Center added more raised beds to the gardens out back. Including some hay bale gardening with some eggplant. We noticed that the eggplant that was in
Hello Plant Friends! Cincinnati, Ohio has been hit with a few heat advisories and several torrential rain showers, but the Over-the-Rhine People's Garden (OTRPG) is not worse for the wear.