A Season of Growth
Hello garden friends, It's been a hot July! Because we have been sticking to a consistent watering schedule in Over-the-Rhine People's Garden, things are still looking really good! Our community
Hello garden friends, It's been a hot July! Because we have been sticking to a consistent watering schedule in Over-the-Rhine People's Garden, things are still looking really good! Our community
-Marcelle St. Germain, Step by Step Big Ugly, West Virginia Sometimes stories come to life in amazing ways, and that happened recently with the Big Ugly Community Center Summer Program
-Bea Sias - Step by Step, Logan Now that we are in full swing of getting our gardens planted, it seems the children are also getting ready to plant those
Bea Sias, Logan West Virginia It all started last spring at the Buffalo Creek Memorial Library in Man, WV. The Librarian, Liz, always has a story hour on Wednesday of
Bea Sias, Logan Grow Appalachia I am sitting at Man Library waiting for my gardeners to come to our workshop, so we can find out what’s happening with their gardens
Last year, the first year of the USDA Sponsored Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) in Berea, a team of Berea College student interns and labor students, as well as 2
So my first task on the Grow Appalachia team was to design the new logo for the Summer Food Service Program here in Berea. The goal was to capture the essence of
Rhonda West reporting from Scott County. It is so heartwarming to think about the joy that is shared in the garden. My parents are originally from Scott County, TN. They
Beatrice (Bea) Sias, Lead Community Org.-Logan, WV. The Community Garden is just a little ways from the Lead Community Organization office. I visited the Garden one day when several
Greetings Grow Appalachians! Holly, VISTA at Grow App HQ, sharing our most recent high tunnel build over at Lotts Creek Community School. We left Berea bright and early Tuesday morning