So my first task on the Grow Appalachia team was to design the new logo for the Summer Food Service Program here in Berea. The goal was to capture the essence of what we’ll be doing this summer which is providing free meals and activities for children of regardless of race, gender, and socioeconomic backgrounds.

First I sat down and drew various sketches to figure out which direction I wanted to go in. Corn on the cob StrawberriesSummer Feeding Logo

In the end I decided to go with the sketch of the silhouette children’s parade. It perfectly fit in to our motto “Your Summer Vacation Destination” and the design was simple and eye catching.

The next step was to put it in to photoshop. I played around with various colors and ideas and this was the result.


Newest Logo


It’s still a work in progress, but the image itself is essentially complete and I was excited to share. Stay tuned for the final product and other updates about the Summer Food Service Program.

Happy Monday everyone!