Red Bird Mission

Since 1921, Red Bird Mission, non-profit, guided by Jesus Christ, creates opportunities for individuals to enrich their lives and positively impact others within the mountains of southeastern Kentucky.

Our vision is to build healthy, sustainable communities. Our partnership with Berea College Grow Appalachia began in 2010, and is presently serving 55 gardening families annually.

RBM offers a local farmers market, commercial kitchen, cold storage, year round certified farm market, gardening education, access to equipment and support to be successful gardeners feeding their families and selling excess to the community which is designated as a food desert.

RBM also offers Pre-K-12 Christian School, Community Store, Economic Opportunities/Cafe/Crafts, Community Outreach, Work Camp home repairs, Aging Programs, Mental Health and so much more to help families reach their full potential.

Recent Posts

Spring at Red Bird

March 20th, 2024|

Hello Friends, just like that old wheel, Spring has rolled around once more to Red Bird and Appalachia. Our recent

Another Great Season at Redbird

October 19th, 2023|

Hello again friends, we are wrapping up our growing season here on the Redbird River. Some of us are forging