“Success unshared is failure”
Hello from Over-the-Rhine People’s Garden—located in the heart of Cincinnati, Ohio! My name is Christina and I have been blessed to be one of the volunteer coordinators for the community
Hello from Over-the-Rhine People’s Garden—located in the heart of Cincinnati, Ohio! My name is Christina and I have been blessed to be one of the volunteer coordinators for the community
Here at Pine Mountain Settlement School, we are so thankful to be partnering with Grow Appalachia again in 2020! This amazing relationship has allowed us for 11 years now, to
An event we all looked forward to came around earlier this month. The beehives out at the garden told Mr. Chris Stevens (resident beekeeper and mentor) it was time to
We recently hosted a beginners beekeeping workshop. Led by local expert Gary Branson, the workshop focused on low cost, creative ways to get involved in beekeeping. On display we had
An exciting new component of our Grow Appalachia program and the Pine Mountain Settlement School farm, is the addition of beekeeping workshops and demonstration hives. For many years bees were
Hello from Rhonda West in Scott County, TN Last year we talked about the USDA Certified Manufacturing and Teaching Kitchen and we introduced you to some of the products that
The last month and a half has been an absolute whirlwind as to be expected this time of year. However, yesterday I got an opportunity to slow down a
Bee Keeping is in our midst!!! Courtney & Jamie taping up the Bee Hives. Loading our Hives. They are loaded with Bee's. We are embarking on the adventure of bee's
Back in November of 2012 when we were thinking of adding beekeeping to our menu of Grow Appalachia offerings for participants, we got really lucky when Dave showed up at
So we are beginner beekeepers, following Beekeeping, A Practical Guild book by Richard E. Bonney, going to local beekeeping meetings and connecting with the locals to learn the art. We