The Creepy and the Furry: Garden Pests
Howdy Grow Appalachians! Even though it's not officially summer yet, it sure feels like it! Or maybe not...with all the rain we've had! We'll be seeing the mercury top out
Howdy Grow Appalachians! Even though it's not officially summer yet, it sure feels like it! Or maybe not...with all the rain we've had! We'll be seeing the mercury top out
By Jason Von Kundra from Sprouting Hope in Marion, VA The Emory & Henry College Organic Garden is building a low cost deer fence today modeled after Sprouting Hope's. We
--Karline Jensen, High Rocks, Hillsboro WV Now that the snow has finally melted, it's time to make sure your deer fencing is ready for the season. You don't want to
Daphne Gooding- Grow Appalachia Big Ugly Here on Big Ugly the most destructive pest is a mammal: deer. The deer can wipe out an entire garden in one day. There
Well; it's not really, but it's getting there. Most is over 6 foot tall and producing ears. Our corn patch is plumb full of busy happy little bees. It sounds so cool
Lot's of activity has been happening here at HEP. Southern Highlands has started planting their raised bed gardens, and one of the consumers/clients named Teddy gave the whole group a
Deer are lovely, liquid-eyed and graceful creatures, but not in your garden. Here on Big Ugly, the deer can really wipe out a garden in one night. We have tried