Well; it’s not really, but it’s getting there. Most is over 6 foot tall and producing ears. Our corn patch is plumb full of busy happy little bees. It sounds so cool to hear them buzzing around in there.
Some of our tomato plants are waist high and flowering, the West Virginia 63 tomatoes are already producing! We are excited about those ones because we had to plant them 4 or 5 times before they would actually not die.
Starting Monday, we will have an abundance of volunteers to help in the gardens. We will be having 10-12 Youth Works volunteers every Monday through Wednesday in July, lot’s of weeding and staking will get done.
It’s amazing how the garden changes from day to day. You look at it in the morning, by the time you leave for the day you notice something new, like the beans have grown taller. Between Thursday and today, everything has shot up. It must have been the cooler night last night.
There has been a lot of deer and turkey activity lately, hopeful for their sake the liquid fence keeps working good, or we will be putting fresh meat into the food pantry.
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