Garden Maintenence
I have a garden. Now what? It is important to maintain your garden. To maintain your soil health, make sure to use compost and cover crops. To maintain your plants, mitigate the effects of diseases and pests by following some of the guidelines provided. Good mulching, irrigation systems, and weeding practices will help your plants keep the water they need to grow and reduce the work needed to be done by you. Companion planting and using pollinators will give your plants the best shot at success through using natural agricultural systems. Trellising is a great way to increase productivity and reduce stress on bean and tomato crops. Finally, it is equally as important to make sure all of your equipment is maintained and stored correctly.
Backyard Composting
Managing the Decay Process, How to make Compost, Compost Use, Health, and Safety
ATTRA Sustainable Agriculture – Tipsheet: Compost
Approved Compost Material, Guidelines, Common Symptoms, Application, and References
Backyard Composting
Why compost, What do I need to do to make compost, How do I make compost, Troubleshooting your Pile, and How do I get Started
Let Worms Make Your Compost
The Worms, The Box, Feeding & Maintaining the worms, Harvesting & Using the Castings
Cover Crops
Cover Crop Benefits and Challenges in Kentucky
Cover Crop Table, Cover Crop Benefits, and Cover Crop Challenges
Cover Crop in Organic Systems
Purpose, Cover Crops in Organic Systems, National Organic Program Regulations
Selecting a Cover Crop, Cover Crops for Organic Production, Cover Crop Species and
Function by Region Field Preparation Planting, Cover Crop Planting Methods, Cover Crop Termination Options, and Annual Cover Cropping in Perennial Systems.
Cover Crop Chart
Divided by Growth Cycles, Plant Architecture, and Relative Water Use
Winter Cover Crops for Kentucky Gardens and Fields
Small Grains, Seeding and Managing Small Grains, Grasses, Legumes, other crops, and Potential Problems
Diagnosing Plant Problems
Data Collection for the Diagnostic Process, Disease, Insects and Mites, Wildlife, Abiotic Causes, and Diagnostic Assistance
Bean Diseases
Cause, Symptoms, Signs, Disease Management and Development of Anthracnose, Bacterial Blights, Stem and Roots Rots, and Rust
Problems of Cole Crop
Diseases Caused by Bacteria, Diseases Caused by Fungi and Fungus-Like Organisms, and Diseases Caused by Viruses
Guide for Common Problems of Cucurbit Crops
Physiological and Nutritional Disorders, Insect Pests, Diseases, and Chemical Injuries
Bacterial Wilt of Cucurbits
Symptoms and Signs, Cause and Disease Development, Disease Management, and Additional Resources
Problems of High Tunnel and Greenhouse Vegetable Crops in Kentucky
Physiological Disorders, Diseases, Insects and Pests, Herbicide Injury and Weeds, and Management Practices
Common Problems of Legume Vegetables in Kentucky
Diseases, Insects, Weeds, and Abiotic Disorders
Bacterial Spot of Pepper & Tomato
Symptoms, Cause & Disease Development, and Disease Management
Blackleg & Bacterial Soft Rot of Potato
Symptoms, Cause & Disease Development, and Disease Management
Disease and Insect Management in Organic Small Grains
Disease Management, Resistant Varieties, Seed Quality, Rotation, Delayed Planting, Irrigation Timing, Crop Scouting, Storage Environment, and Specific Grain Diseases, In-crop Insects, Cultural Practices, and Stored-grain Insects.
Common Pests of Solanaceous Crops
Physiological and Nutrient Disorders, Insect Pests, Diseases, Bacterial Diseases on Tomatoes, and Herbicide Injury
Common Problems of Sweet Corn in Kentucky
Physiological, Nutritional, and other Disorders, Insect Pests, Diseases, and Herbicide Injury
Bacterial Canker of Tomato
Symptoms, Cause & Disease Development, and Disease Management
How to Install a Drip Irrigation System
Materials and Steps
Garden Irrigation Basics
Plant Water Use, Irrigation Systems, Soils and Irrigation, Irrigation Application Rates, Drip Practices, and Irrigation Practices
Vegetable Crop Irrigation Chart
Crop, Frequency, Critical Period, Rooting Depth, and Potential Defects
When to Water Your Vegetable Garden – Watering Chart
Start With Good Soil, When to Water, Lose Guilt About Wilt, and Watering Guide
Compost Education Centre: Factsheet Series Mulching
Why Mulch?, What to Mulch with?, Building Soil, and Living Mulch
The Marvel of Mulch
The Benefits of Mulch, How to make mulch, and Some tips for making mulch
Garden Mulching
Why mulch?, How to use mulch, Types of mulch, Potential problems
Plastic Mulching for Crop Production
Advantages of plastic mulching, Weed Control, Limitations, Areas of application, removal of mulch, and more
Proper Mulching Techniques
Benefits of Proper Mulching, Types of Mulch, Problems, and Proper Mulching
Aphids – Botanical Control Formulations
Using Garlic, Rosemary, Papaya Leaves, and Mint
Common Garden Pests
Aphids, Cabbage worms, Colorado Potato Beetles, Cucumber Beetles, Flea Beetles, Japanese Beetles, Mexican Bean Beetles, Slugs, and Stink Bugs
Organic Pest and Disease Control
Why Grow Organic, Integrated Pest Management Strategies, Biological Control, Cultural Control, Physical Control, Chemical Control, and Disease Management
BIU Organic Pest Control Sprays
Pest Control – Diatomaceous Earth, Horticultural Oil & Soap, Neem Oil, Milky Spore, Bt (DiPel), Spinosad, Pyrethrum. Disease Control – Viruses, Bacteria, Fungus, Potassium Bicaronate, Copper, and Bio-Fungicides
Cucumber Beetles: Organic Integrated Pest Management
Species of cucumber beetles, Life cycle of the cucumber beetle, Damage to plants by cucumber beetles, Organic control measures, Population monitoring, Cultural practices, Trap crops, trap baits and sticky traps, Predators and parasites, and Botanical and biorational insecticides
For the Gardener: Controlling Small Animal Pests
Determining what pests are present and what options are available
Grasshopper Management
Life cycle, Weather, Cultural controls, Tillage, Trap crops, Predators, Biological controls, and Physical barriers and traps
Biointensive Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
Conventional” and “Biointensive” IPM, Why Move to Biointensive IPM?, Components of Biointensive IPM, How to Get Started, The Pest Manager/Ecosystem Manager, Proactive Strategies (Cultural Controls), Biological Controls, Mechanical and Physical Controls, Pest Identification, and Monitoring
Squash Bug and Squash Vine Borer: Organic Controls
Life Cycle and Characteristics: Squash Bug, Life Cycle and Characteristics: Squash, Vine Borer, Planning for Control, Levels of Control in Certified Organic Production, Systems-based practices (level 1), Mechanical and physical practices (level 2), Material (level 3), Row Covers, Host Preference and Genetic Resistance, Other Cultural and Physical Controls, Experimental, creative approaches, Recommended strategies, Biological Control, Kaolin Clay, and Alternative Insecticides
Grow Appalachia – Flowers for Pollinators
Common flowers for pollinators and tips about keeping pollinator levels high
Smart Gardening: Pollination in vegetable gardens and backyard fruit
What is pollination, Role of pollinators in gardens and fruit, and management practices
The Garden Club of Kentucky – Pollinator Garden
Pollinator charts and extra resources
Kentucky Pollinator Chart
Chart of Kentucky pollinators including what they attract and when to plant them
Tools and Repair
Caring for specific Garden Tools
Safety, Sharpening, Maintenence, Preventing rust, Storage, and more.
Care and Maintenance of Garden Tools
Storage, Care during the season, Winter storage, Thorough cleaning, Adjusting blades, and more resources
Vertical Vegetable Gardening
Powerpoint that goes over why people garden vertically and different ways to garden vertically
Organic Weed Control
Overview of weeds, Different ways to use mulch, Tips, and long term goals
Pocket Field Guide to Kentucky’s Common Weeds and Other Unwanted Plants
Common Weeds, Weed Control, Non-native Invasive Species, What makes species invasive, and a Weed Chart
Sustainable Weed Management for Small and Medium-Scale Farms
Weed, The Root Cause of Weeds, Understanding, Weed Seed Banks and Germination, Proactive Weed – Management Strategies, Reactive Weed – Management Strategies, and Edible Weeds
Companion Planting
Companion Planting and Botanical Pesticides: Concepts & Resources
Traditional Companion Planting, Companion Planting Chart, The Scientific Foundations for Companion Planting, Botanical Pesticides, Options for System Design, and Further Resources