Ruby Grow Young Farmer Program
My experience as a Ruby Grow farmer has been exciting and definitely worthwhile. I personally have gained a lot of knowledge and have developed new skills in terms of farming
Season Extension
It's finally August, and our gardens are producing so much! What a joy to have fresh options to choose from for our culinary adventures every night. And we're canning
Garden Maintenance
There are many aspects to maintaining your garden. Here are some important ones: Weed control Watering Trellising Sharpening tools Mulch Cover Crops Pest and Disease Control Which parts of garden
Feeding the Soil, Feeding our Souls
Since we haven't been able to meet in person, we've been chatting about our gardens on Facebook. Here are a few excerpts shared by our gardeners:
Vole Pressure in the High Tunnel
Preparing Our Garden We are an optimistic bunch here at High Rocks. Even with regulations changing by the day, we held on to hope that our summer camp for
Generations in the Garden
Generations in the Garden "People would ask; what came first, the big garden or the big family? As one grew, the other did also." When asked why she
Self-seeding Arugula
--Karline Jensen, High Rocks, Hillsboro, WV Look at this beautiful arugula that we didn't plant! We left a patch of arugula to go to seed over the summer. When the
Fall Salad
--Karline Jensen, High Rocks, Hillsboro, WV We planted some fall salads at our Season Extension workshops on August 20 and 21. Guess what, it has only rained a half an