Greetings from Valerie at Cowan Creek!
Cowan Community Center, City of Whitesburg Farmers Market, CANE Kitchen, Letcher County Conservation and Mountain Comprehensive Health Corporation joined forces to offer our first Plant & Seed Market at CANE Kitchen. We were small…..but so mighty!
As all of you are aware, gatherings are a challenge and worry. We felt we could safely distance and encourage masks for participants. We had about 200 seed swappers join us outside yesterday from 2-5. We had about ten tables with plant/seed vendors and information booths. The weather was beautiful and it was a joyful gathering.
Thanks to CANE Kitchen for hosting a traditional soup bean dinner. Thanks to Brandon Fleming at CANE Kitchen for always coming thru.
Honest, I stopped worrying about the event when we heard Bill Best would be coming for the event. This was his first trip out in over a year and I cannot say how proud we are that he could join us.
Happy to honor the late Don Maggard at our first Plant & Seed Market. Don’s daughter, Abigail Maggard represented w/his Turkey Craw and Big John Seeds. Many of the family stopped by in remembrance and appreciation of Don.
Want to give a big shout out to Letcher County Conservation team. Carla Sturgill is enjoying the soup bean dinner with Brian Jones, NRCS. Connie Sturgill is always available to community to share possibilities about Conservation opportunities. Happy to have board member, Jim McCauley stop by for the market as well.
Plants and seed vendors Jim Turner/Crooked Arrow Farm, Bennet Quillen/Quillen Farm, Frank Campbell/Frogman Farms pictured above.
Market Board and Managers, Rene Poitra and Jim and Louise Murtaugh. Much appreciation to all of you who work behind the scenes to make it happen.
Debbie Cook, Cowan Grows Appalachia coordinator making it happen.
Always happy when youth show up for these events. Wishing Sara McCauley a wonderful year at Murray University as she continues her work in Environmental Science. Special thanks to Wayne Riley and the African American Heritage Center for offering potato starts.
Just good pictures of good people!
Local growers from Baker Farms and Connie Dennison.
So….the seeds have been planted and we will be growing. See you next year!
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