Greetings from Cowan Creek. This is Valerie. Hoping this blog finds you and your families well.
The ‘Three Sisters’ is a native American agriculture practice for growing beans, corn and squash together in tandem. Each sister supports the other and is supported by the other so that all may benefit. In the spirit of the three sisters, Cowan Community Center, CANE Kitchen and the City of Whitesburg Farmers Market work together to grow a healthier and stronger community.
That’s what we’ve been doing for a several years now and just putting a name to it. We look at it as an agriculture chain with Cowan Grow Appalachia beginning a decade ago with support for local growers to grow their family gardens. We eased into a market place for growers at the City of Whitesburg Farmers Market and grew into a commercial kitchen space for producers to create value added product and another outlet for local produce.
We have been disappointed this year to not be having community meals, canning classes and healthy cooking classes. We’ve been fortunate to go safely in homes and small gatherings at CANE Kitchen or the Farmers Market and share with our community.
The first video was with Kanthi Chandrashaker, who has been a regular at the market for many years and now serves on the City of Whitesburg Farmers Market board. It was wonderful to visit in her home with Dr. Chandrashaker and try the vegetarian recipes with a taste of her culture from India. CANE is hoping to have a safe community meal in November and celebrate the Festival of Lights with vegetarian dishes to share with the community.
Hoping you have some time to enjoy the Three Sisters Culinary and more will be available soon.
Three Sisters: Kanthi’s Kitchen
Three Sisters: Representative Hatton
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