I would like for everyone to meet my son, David Bentlee Adkins, he was born September 7, 2017. He weighed 8 pounds 12 ounces and was 21 inches long. He was born with a head full of hair. It is a completely different feeling becoming a parent. I love my son more then anything and would do anything for him.
I would like to thank the volunteers that helped me wash my harvested crop for our farmers market this past month. They helped with potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, cabbage, peppers, etc. The volunteers came in from North Carolina to do work camp projects with Red Bird Mission. I love getting to work with volunteers, because I love meeting new people. Each person has their very own story about their life and some stories would make you just think about how awesome these people really are.
So far this year our Farmer’s Market has exploded! We have had over 17 vendors and they have reported selling over $3,000 in produce. The Market opened in June and has been open every Saturday. We also opened on a Tuesday to accommodate over 200 persons that come to the Mission monthly to receive Commodity groceries. We were able to distribute 50 Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program check packets, each packet valued $28.00 to be redeemed at the farmer’s market here at Red Bird. We were blessed to participate in this Kentucky Department of Agriculture program.
Wonderful job Travis !! ❤️
Thanks Jen
Congratulations, Travis! He’s a handsome little fella 🙂
Thank you, Michelle
Awesome Trav! So proud of you! And Bentlee is just perfection🙌🏻
Thanks Ashley, I’m curious to see what Christian will think about him.
Proud of you and the work you’re doing. Can’t wait to meet Baby Pal! 😉
Thank you so much! He’s a sight, cant wait for you to see him.