What an amazing evening/night for Grow Appalachia in Morgan County! Our community garden on the UK Extension farm is blessed with amazing soil… and more than a few deer! The deer were quickly becoming troublesome. Last Monday night, twelve folks came together to fence in the community garden on the extension property. Only one of us knew what he was doing, but everyone quickly learned. There was more than one “Kum Ba Yah” moment to be had.
Also, two ladies stepped up to assist with the tending of the plot for the Morgan County senior citizens commodity program… Slowly but surely, the community is becoming more involved!

There was a learning curve, but we figured it out!

There was a learning curve, but we figured it out!

We were quite the Motley Crew!

We were quite the Motley Crew!

It took us until dusk, but only a bit more than two hours for the twelve of us to complete the task!

It took us until dusk, but only a bit more than two hours for the twelve of us to complete the task!