Swapping Seed
Seed Swapping Growing season is upon us and it is time to start thinking about seeds. One of our participants was doing just that as she organized a seed swap
Seed Swapping Growing season is upon us and it is time to start thinking about seeds. One of our participants was doing just that as she organized a seed swap
Happy Holidays from Grow Appalachia HQ to you! Alix here, reporting on gift-giving. If you’re anything like me around the holidays, figuring out meaningful, inexpensive gifts to give to friends
That is, IF you are saving seed! Yvonne Scott here, from Wolfe County Grow Appalachia, and I had the privilege of spending time with the amazing Bill Best this weekend
Howdy Grow Appalachia family! Holly, HQ VISTA checking in, and although it seems like all I do is comment about the weather, I really do wish it would make up
Happy summer (officially), Grow Appalachia family! Holly, VISTA at Grow App HQ here, finding it sort of hard to believe that in just about nine weeks, I will be finished
Good Evening Y'all. Lori here (plague and all) from McDowell County West Virginia. If any of you have caught this awful plague that's been going around and have struggled to
--Karline Jensen, High Rocks, Hillsboro, WV One of the heirloom crops we will be growing for seed this year is Bluestone Mountain Farm's heirloom popcorn. Farmer Rhonda Dortch of Hinton,
From 'naturally gorgeous' Wolfe County, it's Yvonne Scott, (resident bean counter---literally!) When we started garden planning last month, nearly everyone had green beans listed on their seeds for this season.
The past three and a half years with Grow Appalachia have taught me a lot, but one of the things I've really grown to love and appreciate is seed saving.
This week's Grow Aappalachia was on seed saving. Seed Saving is a hobby that is most beneficial to the food in which we intake. it allows is to enjoy our