Good Evening Y’all. Lori here (plague and all) from McDowell County West Virginia. If any of you have caught this awful plague that’s been going around and have struggled to keep your lungs in your chest, just know that you are not alone and I feel your pain. It may go away one day!
On to the good stuff. We finally got to put some of our tomato and pepper plants out. We put them in the spot we planted cucumbers and squash in last year. It should have been easy, right? WRONG!!! I think the residual roots from those plants grew rocks instead of turning into lovely compost. It took forever to excavate some of the rocks out of that spot, I swear we may have uncovered a Mayan Temple. Two days after starting I have 12 tomato plants and 2 rows of pinto beans planted in my little area. My assistant/daughter started on the other end on day 2 planting the pepper plants. Her side was a lot easier. To make her life even better, my son broke out the gas powered auger that’s for post hole digging. While I am working away with pick, shovel, hori-hori, and dynamite, she dropping in plants left and right! I’m old dang it, I should have thought of that for my side.
This is her with the sublime look of a hole well done.
The little ones have been helping out in the raised beds, James (3) was shoveling dirt. While Lidia (2) supervised. They have a lot of fun, what kid don’t like playing in the dirt. I think David (1) might have been napping.
So far at the center we have harvested a gallon baggie of spinach, almost as many strawberries, and a peck of onions and 4 bulbs of garlic. I can’t wait for the other things to grow and be ready. We still have a lot of planting to do yet, but we are getting there.
We did do one section in a raised bed that is our bean seed saver area. We have rattlesnake beans planted, and the greasy and tick beans planted. We are hoping to get enough to give to our participants next year.
Our participants are all doing great, they all have some things coming up, which makes them very excited and so far only one has requested some spinosad and liquid fence. The participants that are doing the bees this year have gotten their hives, the bees should be in during the first week of June. I will be gathering pictures from the participants for the next blog. Everyone has been so busy getting everything planted and tended that they haven’t had much time to get them to me.
Our summer work groups, and the Youth Works groups will be arriving soon, and they are all excited to help us at the center. They are a blessing to us during this time of year with so many things going on at one time. They are great help with the weeding, harvesting and replanting. Jeremy will be the leader for those that will be working the gardens while I handle the home repair crews. They and the gardening will be in good hands.
Until next time, Happy Growing!
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