Summertime Gardening
The calendar says July 29, which for many hints that summer may soon be on its way out. After all, you can't step into your local Wal-Mart without getting bombarded
The calendar says July 29, which for many hints that summer may soon be on its way out. After all, you can't step into your local Wal-Mart without getting bombarded
Howdy Y'all. Lori here from McDowell County WV. It's finally happened, we got every one of our participants garden spots plowed and tilled! I'm not sure who is happier, us
Howdy Grow Appalachia collective! Holly on behalf of HQ, not completely recovered from another gathering that's come and gone just like that! Let me tell you- it was my second
This week we had some volunteers from the Youth Works organization. It was a multi-generational group of around 12 folks ranging between the ages of four to about 60. They
Before I happily ramble about our extreme productivity these past few weeks, I would like to point out that in the month of June (so far), GYO participants have harvested
This blog is not specifically about gardening itself but this is important information. The topic of this blog is about the weather conditions. As you all know, it is summer