This week we had some volunteers from the Youth Works organization. It was a multi-generational group of around 12 folks ranging between the ages of four to about 60. They were with us Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Some were working inside the center and others were working in the garden. The ones working in the garden did tons of weeding and staked the tomatoes. One of the young boys in the group found a tick on him during break time. He freaked out a little bit and said he was never going out there again. Never lasted about 30 minutes or so!
I swear we have Ninja Rabbits here, and they apparently love peppers and one cabbage plant. We put Liquid Fence around everything and still the pepper plants get eaten. At first we thought it was a deer, but there are no prints on the ground, so it had to be something lighter. I think that when no one is there the rabbit descends from a tree, has his snack and moves on, either that or it has no sense of smell and can’t smell the horrid odor of the liquid fence. I think it’s time to set a snare or two.
It has been so hot this past week or so, and we only had one day of rain. The plants really like the rain a whole lot more than they do city water. If it keeps up like this, I would not be surprised to see that our sweet corn has erupted into pop corn all over the mountain.
With some panic in our hearts, we had our site visit with David Cooke. Us McDowell Countians tend to expect the worst. We were worried that he would take one look at what we had going on and drop his head and say “What the___ is this?” Thankfully that didn’t happen because I think I would have sat down in the middle of the bean patch and cried. He gave us some good information, and seemed a little impressed with the amount of wild honey bees that was in our corn patch. It was a good visit for us and we really appreciated all the input.
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Oh Lori you are so funny! Thanks for starting my day with laughter. Congrats on surviving a David visit. I’m jealous of your great volunteers. Good luck battling the Ninja rabbits! Sue@Lmu
Hi Lori. I can relate with the “first site visit” gitters. But don’t worry, David’s bark is minimal and I haven’t heard that he has bitten anyone…yet. One secret to a good visit that I can share. He is pretty mellow anyway but more so after a good home cooked meal. lol