Before I happily ramble about our extreme productivity these past few weeks, I would like to point out that in the month of June (so far), GYO participants have harvested over 500lbs of produce!
These past few weeks have been extremely chaotic, but also extremely fruitful. Berries are in
bloom, and the summer solstice is on the horizon. Prepare for the epic heat wave of 2014 – I gardened for 5 hours straight today in 90+ degree weather. But it was well worth it – much has been done since we last spoke:
- All of our spring lettuce has been harvested, as well as the majority of our kale and broccoli
- Participants have received summer lettuce and cucumbe
r seed, as well as sweet potato seedlings - Melons and summer squash are in the ground
- We now have another shed (much needed!) for storage at our demonstration garden
- I have installed a drip-line for our hoop house
- Devan (one of our new summer VISTAs) and I made and installed a giant chalkboard on the side of our shed for GYO workshops, harvest recording, volunteer sign in, and to-do lists for the garden
We have also been able to partner with my college fraternity, Theta Chi Epsilon, to create a small community garden at their home as well as with Veronica Limeberry and her up-and-coming farm!
So that’s us right now! Our new Summer VISTAs are off to a good start, and because of our extra set of hands – I’ll probably have double the amount of info in our next blog!
My best,
500 lbs?! That’s awesome! Grow Your Own is rocking it over there!
Yes ma’am! That is our demonstration garden + our participants this month!