April Showers bring May Gardens.

Now that the sun is starting to hang out with us longer, the ground is warming up. Spring showers are coming and going. The seeds are becoming very happy. All of our participant’s gardens throughout the county have popped up and making all our hard work pay off. They have started to look full and rich with vibrant colors and beautiful blooms. Knowing that goodies are coming right around the corner. As their leader, I’m excited to watch them grow as gardeners and see everyone’s gardens grow. Also, for them to have an abundant supply for the year.

Last month at our meeting we went over the importance of how gardens need a good fertilizer and nitrogen added to the soil. But also, a good drainage system so the plants won’t get flooded with water as their roots can’t handle it. Along with the location of the garden and what they wanted to grow. The participants got cucumber, onion, potatoes, corn, green beans, and lettuce seeds. Over the past couple of weeks, we have seen the lettuce, peas, and onions grow. As they are making their way up through the ground and are in bloom. We had a fantastic turnout, and the participants enjoyed the lesson.

Some of our gardeners have also explored planting some beautiful radishes. Which will add a lot more color to the table. I love seeing the different vegetable’s that our participants are exploring to raise. It’s always exciting to see what our gardeners can get to grow. As to others have trouble getting to grow. From starting out with a seed and then being a producing plant.

This month at our next meeting, the participants will be receiving their Mountain Pride and Feather Meal fertilizer. Also, they will be getting a bonus as they are getting tomatoes, cabbage, pepper, and squash plants. That our high school agriculture classes grew for us in their greenhouse this school year. Along with publications on how to apply fertilizer and how to care for each plant they get.

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