Whether it be sore knees, back, or fatigue, the benefits of gardening outweigh them all whether it be emotional or physical. It is not only good for your health but good for your soul. The actual act of gardening is a great workout, to say the least. The average person burns around 175 to 300 calories during light gardening. More strenuous gardening can burn more than that. Studies have shown that spending time in the garden helps alleviate stress, lowers blood pressure, and encourages healthy eating habits. It is a win, win all the way.
In this current blog, we are going to share some of the wonderful photos our gardeners have sent us. We love looking at the photos with people because of the joy that is expressed on their faces.
Here we have Billy Maynard with photos of his bountiful garden. He seems so happy with planting his potatoes and watching his grandchildren help him. The family gets to spend some good quality time together when gardening.
The Pinson family has worked diligently to get their garden protected from the animals all while using many different tools and materials. We love the old plowing instrument.
The Parsley family has a beautiful garden and have also enlisted the help of their grandsons in the work. Teaching our children the art of gardening is very important. It allows them to gain a skill, work ethic as well as be self-sufficient in their food consumption.
Angela’s son steals the show with his photo of his radish in his mouth. He seems very happy to be helping his mom.
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