Well its the end of the 2020 summer season. Preparing for our winter crops in the High Tunnel to continue our harvest throughout the year. Cleaned out all three gardens that I have maintained for the mission. There are many peppers, greens, horse radish, and raspberries still harvesting in the garden and high tunnel. Applying winter wheat cover crops to the outside gardens while continuing cold crops in the high tunnel and greenhouse. We had a lot of fun clearing out the garden while the sun was shining down on us. It was our first time cleaning out and picking the rest of the corn for seed in the corn crops so we enjoyed it a lot. We harvested our greens for my director, she will be juicing it all. I am looking forward to next years challenges.
Farmer’s Market
The Floyd County Farmer’s Market has been a success. Jeanette Mullins and intern Eternity have canned jars of a variety of our produce and baked many pies and cakes to sell. They have made Green Tomato, Squash, Pawpaw, Pumpkin pies and cakes, and pumpkin rolls, many varieties of breads. I grew it, they made and baked it, and I sold it. That’s what you call team work.
Due to the cold weather Johnson County had a indoor Farmer’s Market that I attended and it was a success too.
Season Extension Graduation
It is time to say goodbye to everyone until next year. I would like to thank Keith Hackworth from the Floyd County extension office for all his help this season. The participates were really happy to receive two graduation gifts of their choice from Grow Appalachia this year. We gave out mission shirts, small and large sprayers and canners, dehydrators, food savers, row covers, hoops, black plastic and cover crops. I asked everyone to fill out a “Looking Forward to next year’s garden” form while waiting to receive their gifts. A participate that has been on the program for three years encouraged her daughter and her family to participate this year on our program. They both wrote a paper on how our program impacted their families growing experience. This will give me some ideas of what they are needing from our program next year.
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