Imagine: A sweet, juicy, round red fruit grown in a garden. If you thought of a tomato, you’re right! Berea Community Elementary School had their green house fixed up and we are ready to grow some plants! Grow Appalachia will engage students, teachers, and families in this exciting new project: a tomato plant sale. We plan to grow 300 plants to sell in May. With the help of two amazing 5th graders, Candice Holt & Onyx Lewis, we made a video introducing our upcoming project Please stay tuned for more exciting updates.
Volunteers needed: We would love to have adult volunteers on our future garden/green house adventures! With the help of Madison County Conservation District, Sustainable Berea, and Grow Appalachia we are giving our raised beds a much needed face lift. We are participating in the garden blitz and doubling all of our existing raised beds and adding 3 additional beds by our green house. We are ordering a total of 28 raised beds, and we need help assembling the lumber (power tool time) on April 3rd and help installing the beds on April 4th. If you would like to volunteer, please email Ashley Hammond at:
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