Our meeting in May was jammed packed with activity. We had Mr. Marcum who did our mushroom workshop earlier this year return to share about blue oyster mushrooms.
He also brought gallon sized ziploc bags filled with wood chips and mushroom spores. Everyone who wanted to try to grow their own mushroom colony got to take a bag home with them.
The next half of our Class was Seth Whitehouse from UT Extension office in Huntsville, TN. Seth shared a slide show presentation on Beneficial insects. Then shared from his insect collection a variety of insects that we got the chance to identify.
Mr. Marcum speaking to class
Seth Whitehouse presenting Beneficial Insects
Strawberry and Lemon Balm water.
The door prize was a shopping bag from UT extension filled with kitchen gadgets.
Fertilizer was distributed at this class also.
I would have LOVED to attend this meeting! Great subjects!