Learning the process of mushroom growing.
Doug Stephens, hosted our work shop about mushroom growing. With our special guest speaker only wanting to be known as Mr, Marcum. We braved the cool wet weather on a Saturday in March at McCreary County Farmers Market to learn about growing mushrooms at home.
- Mr. Marcum and his son
Mr. Marcum shared his knowledge of years of cultivating mushrooms and kept us all listening attentively. Doug shared some guidance with us to get us going. Then we got started It wasn’t long until everyone got busy putting to use what we had learned. Starting with holes being drilled in the logs. Then on to the next station of inoculating the logs. We sealed the inoculated logs by applying melted wax. The logs were then loaded in the different vehicles to be taken home by everyone.
Doug Stephens sharing some instructions with the group before we begin.

a couple of the work stations
It never ceases to amaze me what generous, kind and caring people gardeners are. I wandered around taking pictures of all that was going on and watching how folks who started out as strangers when this day began now were laughing, joking, and even planning to share some food at our next Grow Appalachia meeting.
That day we had young and young at heart working side by side. It was a great day to be a gardener.
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