Travis here, hoping everyone has been staying dry from all this rain we’ve been getting. First sign of dry weather would be a great time to get those gardens tilled up in case of spring showers. We have made a few lay outs of some of our gardens & how we may want them to be set up for this year. Planning your garden & getting your gardens prepared & ready, is the first step to having a successful gardening season. For example… Plan things like what angle your corn roll is gonna be. Is it gonna be blocking the sun from getting to another corn roll or other plants? What produce you should plant together or plant alone. The measurements of your garden/gardens. Tilling your ground where you plan on having your garden may help you to get a better feel on where & how you want your produce. Looking at something with our own eyes is easier to plan then just coming up with something off the top of our heads.
Small Garden Plan Example
Be sure to give a soil sample to your local extension office to see exactly what your soil need to produce a healthy garden. Now would be a good time to order seeds if you haven’t already. So they can get to you by the time you are ready to plant.
My name is Travis Adkins. I am 23 years old. I was born in Harlan, KY to Donna and Lonnie Adkins. I come from a big family of 8 brothers and sisters. To me family is everything. In 2000 we moved from Harlan to Leslie County Where I attended Beech Fork Elementary and then later I attended Red Bird Christian School.
Growing up in the Appalachian Mountains I learned a lot. One thing in particular was working in the garden with my dad, Lonnie, before he passed away in March of 2010. We would till up a gardening area so we could plant potatoes, tomatoes, onions, lettuce, cabbage, etc. Dad taught me a lot about all of that and how to be a good worker. He always said no matter what you do, do it to the best of your ability.
My mom and dad was always encouraging us, along with raising us in church and setting a good foundation. In 2015 I gave my heart to the Lord and I try my best to do what he would have me to do to help people or try to lead someone to Christ. Not long after I gave my heart to the Lord, I met the love of my life, Kendra. I am now married and currently anticipating the arrival of our son, David Bentlee, in September of this year. Anyone that knows me, knows I'm all about the good Lord, my family and a hard worker.
I thank God for all he has given me and I am excited to see what plans he has in store for me and my family in the future.
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