After consulting Webster’s Dictionary, Martha Giddings, a fixture in the Snowshoe/Linwood Real Estate Business, writes:
How do you define a community?
Communities are made of people, not rhetoric. You can define a community by the shared attributes of the people in it, and/or by the strength of the connections among them. When an organization is identifying communities of interest, the shared attribute is the most useful definition of a community.
LINWOOD-SNOWSHOE: an incredible community! Thank you to all who came to volunteer or to enjoy the Kiddos Strider Championship, partook in the Linwood Farmers Market, and enjoyed the camaraderie and live music. Was it raining? No one noticed! We are all so blessed to be living here.
As summer winds its way to autumn, quiet falls over Linwood along with lots of extra rain and misty, cool temperatures. Linwood Alive!, Linwood Community Daycare and Grow Appalachia Linwood aren’t yet ready to hunker down though, and our two busiest and most productive fundraisers take place during this time.
Every year, our farm to fork dinner becomes more streamlined and rewarding, both monetarily and in building community. All of the produce used for the meal comes from the Grow Appalachia Community Garden, the flowers come from Tolly Peuleche’s Hidden River Farm, local talent does all of the cooking and decorating and a community of people come together to make the gala happen. It is quite the dinner, with music and a silent auction also. This year, for the first time, we partnered with The Fiddlehead (a locally owned restaurant) to extend the party later into the evening. It was a smashing success all around, and a wonderful way to start bidding farewell to summer.
Our second event is the First Friday Bash, which partners with Poca Trails and Snowshoe Mountain. The farmers market runs as usual, but additionally we host a car wash, the Strider World Championships, kids biking lessons and demos, a community “yard sale” where Snowshoe donates a significant number of items to be sold, a bike raffle and we have food, drink and live music. The turnout this year was excellent despite significant rain and thunder storms. This occasion is great fun, and nowhere is the sense of community as strong as it is for this celebration. I think the sense of community that this event fosters is more valuable than any amount of money raised. If you’re reading this and your Grow chapter hasn’t partnered with other community-based organizations, it’s an opportunity that should definitely be explored!
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