With the opening of Ramella Park coming up in two weeks, we decided to visit our local Pk-8 and get their creative input on some garden signs. Williamson Pk-8 students gave up their gym time to paint some creative and witty signs to brighten up our garden area. With several puns and several “play on words” phrases we are sure they will be a huge hit on opening day.
We have also utilized one of our past high tunnels to plant items for our CSA box program this year. We have planted two rows of cabbage and several herbs in hopes of supplementing our CSA program with items other farmers don’t have available this year. We also did a whole bed of garlic which is a new venture for me personally. I am hoping to entice others to grow some garlic and herbs as well and sell to the Farmers Market. Here is some of the cabbage looking great in its early stages.
Lastly we are planning a Earth Day Celebration for the garden area. We have invited all area kids and are hoping for a good turnout. We will be planting trees from the Arbor Day Foundation, having a scavenger hunt, making bird feeders and enjoying some “dirt puddin’ ” complete with gummy worms. Hope you are celebrating as well! Happy Earth Day!
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