Greetings from Appalachian Sustainable Development! It has been a wet and busy spring. Many new gardeners have joined GYO to grow their first organic garden. They are learning first hand the unpredictability of spring. The weather has been too wet to till any gardens, so spring plants have been held until this month’s workshops.
The regional group has been successful coordinating group orders in order to save funds. From seeds to tools and soil amendments, the regional group is cutting costs on shipping and saving costs with bulk orders. Volunteers have helped save hours of time by separating seeds, growing small numbers of transplants, and contributing canning supplies for the year’s workshops.
While the soil dries, gardeners have supplied excellent garden plans. Many of the newest gardeners are choosing to focus on summer gardens, heeding advise from more experienced gardeners to start small. Soil analysis results are rolling in and so far, few will need many amendments beyond lime. Together, experienced and new gardeners are gearing up for a successful gardening season.
Soon enough, the days will be hot, dry, and buggy. So, enjoy this cool and wet spring while it lasts. Everything is perfect right now.
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