Market Gardening became the focus of a few of our families this year. We started out just hoping to encourage folks to get their hands dirty in the garden and feed their families, but ended up encouraging several of them to sell their excess at the local farmer’s markets! What a successful year it turned out to be!
Glenna Robinson & her son, Scott Bradley have grown so many tomatoes, squash, & beans, that they’ve made over $400 selling what they didn’t can or freeze. They kept and put up over 29 dozen ears of corn as well! They have amazed even the experts with some of their gardening techniques that they tried out this year. Glenna had a closet full of excess sheets that she’d inherited so she laid them down in the garden & planted her tomatoes and cucumbers in holes cut into the middle of them. Weed free gardening never looked so pretty!
Scott Bradley Outstanding in his Field!
Greasy beans by the pound or half bushel.

One & two pounders!

Heirlooms: Brandywine, Rebecca Allen, Pink Elephant
Rick & Jaimie Duncan grew the prettiest cabbage I’ve ever seen and after using their fill, Jaimie sold several of the biggest heads I’ve ever seen at market. She grew strawberries, tomatoes, several kinds of squash, a delicious ground cherry that her Mamaw grew in her own yard. The Duncans grew most of their plants (tomatoes included) from seeds too!
Gearheart Mountain Farm was a little behind in production, but we were able to eek out some extra herbs, eggs, & cucumbers. We took loads of produce from the St. Vincent Mission gardens tho to make our program self sustaining and that was very encouraging. The SVM gardens produced lots of squash, tomatoes, & beans that we sold and put back into the program through the hot summer months. We’ve replanted peas and a fall garden full of greens & herbs. Looking forward to supplying our friends & neighbors fall goodies too.
The Floyd County Farmer’s Market has been such a blessing for local families who want to sell their excess to the surrounding community. Grow Appalachia bought a vendor booth for the participants to set up their produce on and the health department purchased extra tents, tables, & chairs for them to use all season. We’re hoping that the following months at market as just as successful and fun! Come join us at market one Saturday! You’ll be glad you did! Prestonsburg, Kentucky 9am – 1pm
Floyd County Farmer’s Market helped make gardening profitable for several of our gardeners this year.
I love to go to the meetings, even thought I have gardened over 50 years I still learn something new every time. This project in great everyone need to learn to grow their own food and this project can help show you how. So come out and join us and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Lori and her husband are very special people to my son, Scott Bradley and I.
Grow Appalachia is a great program, makes gardening fun and productive.