The high tunnel is finished, now to amend that soil! Organic fertilizer, aged horse manure, & peat moss. Looking forward to getting this clay tilled up, rocks pulled out & soil amended with some healthy additives. Looking into planting some fall crops to sell at market & to donate to the St. Vincent Food Pantry. Mixed greens, cabbages, TOMATOES??? So many ideas spinning around in my head! Where to start!? Where to start?!

Making sure the door is sliding & in place.

Door going in! Last step to the process.

Wiggle wire installation
Garden Visits
Gardens are in full swing this month & it’s the perfect time for some GREAT garden visits! I’ve been so impressed by the gardening genius that I’m seeing out here! Our folks are so proud of their efforts & the great results they’ve gotten this year. This is truly where my heart is. Encouraging them every step of the way.
Marlin & Martha Bolen love planting the basics (Corn, beans, & tomatoes), vintage beans (White half runners), & some unusual things worth noting like COTTON, peanuts, & Crow Foot sweet potatoes. Quite Impressive!! Their little Grandson, Tip, doesn’t think it’s at all unusual, but he’s learning gardening first hand from an expert.
Jim & Darlene Tuttle are carrying on a family tradition of gardening & preserving the harvest & they’re trying to replicate the recipes of Jim’s Mom. I was blessed to enjoy several flavors of pickles & a relish, hot pepper rings, salsa, spaghetti sauce, & a delicious, fresh zucchini bread.
The bees were buzzing contentedly in the corn tassles of their garden. Squash, beans, & sunflowers are appearing daily.

The corn was thick with bees pollinating it!


Sunflowers all in a row & following the sun!
Pam Combs’ garden was amazing because of it’s overall size! Rows & rows of corn, beans, squash, & melons and hardly a weed in sight!

King of the Holler!

Squash are coming on!
Fall is my favorite time of year for planting cabbages, so I’ll be supplying our families with cabbages soon. You don’t have to fight the cabbage worms as much, plus with the cooler evening temperatures, you get a sweeter cabbage as a result. I’m looking forward to what everyone else thinks as well.
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