As June draws to a close, the Mustard Seed garden at First Baptist Church is now flourishing. In the last two weeks we have harvested over 140 pounds of fresh food: Bibb and romaine lettuce, cabbage, beets, sugar snap peas, and kale. We have just planted sweet potatoes and we are excited to see those grow. To date we have harvested 448.5 pounds of vegetables!
In this last month we have begun partnering with a women’s shelter in London, Kentucky, supplying the shelter with vegetables from our garden and inviting residents of the program to help us plant and harvest. This has been a very exciting development for our garden ministry, and we look forward to watching how this partnership will develop and seeing what new avenues it might lead us down.
Meanwhile, we hosted our second annual “Concert in the Garden” last month, the proceeds once again going to support the Corbin Backpack Program: an organization that sends home “backpacks” of food each weekend for students on free and reduced lunch. The weather for the event was perfect, the homemade ice cream was delicious, and the band was phenomenal. There was a great turn out, and the evening was enjoyed by all.
In the coming month we look forward to hosting our first workshops at the church and are eager to see what develops from these evenings together!
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