We’ve been busy lately, not just with picking produce from our high tunnels, but with advertising! We’ve also been planning our next fundraising venture.
Lately, we’ve been collecting seeds and pallets from donors. In early April, we plan on having a fundraiser at the Pocket Park, a local community garden. We’ll be selling pallet gardens, specifically salad gardens. We’ll staple landscaping fabric onto the inside of pallets, fill them will compost, and grow lettuce, spinach, and Johnny Jump Ups in them. This fundraiser is for a new, wheelchair-accessible raised bed that will be placed in the Pocket Park this summer. We’ve almost got all the materials we need, and as soon as the weather permits we’ll be putting the pallet gardens together. We’re excited!
“Gardening is the slowest of
the preforming arts.”
– Mac Griswold
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