Howdy, Grow Appalachia Community! My name is Danielle, I am working with Grow Appalachia at Red Bird Mission for the summer. I have been assisting for a few weeks now, and we have accomplished so much in such a short time. I am extremely pleased to say that the rain has stopped and I have actually been able to plant a few of vegetables in the community gardens. Justin and I put out two rows of White Half Runner beans on a pretty day. However, the weather truly started cooperating just in time for Justin to take off work to welcome the newest edition to his family. Monday, May 30th at 6:43 pm Gabriel Cole Brock was born!!

Gabriel Cole Brock

He is just so adorable! Congratulations ya’ll!!

While, Justin was off enjoying his family, I was tending to the gardens and green house. Most of the first few days consisted of finding plots for the vegetables. I moved our peppers and squash from the green house to the same garden, and planted some lettuce, and tomato plants in a different location.

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Everything seems to be coming along right nice like, especially our peas. I gathered three peck of peas, and they were absolutely beautiful!

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I hope that we will have plenty of produce ready for the upcoming farmers market. I am excited to see what the rest of the summer will bring. I have already learned that tomato plants have to be placed in different areas, as they can mix. I was not aware of this and just about made a huge mistake. However, it is a lesson learned, and I cannot wait to see what the rest of the summer will bring!! Happy gardening Grow Appalachia and Good Luck!!

~ Danielle
Grow Appalachia
Red Bird Mission