We’ve had a busy month, installing raised beds! We build customs beds, too, which includes taller beds for senior citizens and people in wheelchairs and smaller beds for younger people, especially small children. Here are some awesome projects some Garden Coalition volunteers have recently been working on/finished:

Raised Beds for Seniors:


raised beds

A couple of retired Navy veterans helped build this taller bed, delivered it, and filled it with compost.








Food Bank Raised Garden:



raised beds

Hard-working volunteers!










raised beds










raised beds











It’s so important to include everyone, young and old, when gardening. Gardening, and the overall process of bringing food to the table, is an integral part of society. I’m so glad to be able to help others witness the joy of it, and make it easier for them to live a healthy, sustainable lifestyle.

“Why try to explain

miracles to your kids when you can

just have them plant a garden?”

– Robert Brault