Valerie @ Cowan Creek
Enjoyed MayFest this weekend in Whitesburg, but the best account on it was it should have been named, “Blackberry Winter Fest,” it was cold and rainy as most of the days have been lately. Gardens were getting a nice headstart in April, but the rain has slowed the work down. I imagine most of you know that story.
What does make for sunny skies for Cowan and growers is a great visit from Joni Nelson, with Kentucky State University to talk to growers about the Small Scale Farm Grant. Enjoyed the afternoon introducing Joni to folks involved with agriculture here in Letcher County. Especially enjoyed our drive and visit to Kingdom Come Farms. We stopped for a selfie in the pic above.
Okay, Kentucky friends, if you have not checked out Kentucky State University and the support they offer, you need to do that right away. Several of our growers submitted proposals for the small scale farm grant and will be receiving $5,000 towards value added production. Your site is also eligible for $15,000. It is worth checking out if you are working with growers wishing to scale up.
While in Whitesburg, Joni stopeed in Community Farm Alliance’s Breaking Beans show with Mae Humiston to talk about the program. Have a listen!
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